Extend HeaderBar and OmniBar

You might want to add a button to the workspace header bar. To do this, use an Ide.WorkspaceAddin and fetch the header bar using Ide.Workspace.get_headerbar(). You can attach your widget to either the left or the right side of the Ide.OmniBar in the center of the header bar.

We suggest using Gio.SimpleAction to attach an action to the workspace and then activating the action using the Gtk.Button:action-name property.

Adding a button to the workspace header bar
import gi

from gi.repository import GObject, Ide

class MyWorkspaceAddin(GObject.Object, Ide.WorkspaceAddin):
    Add a new button to the header bar.

    def do_load(self, workspace: Ide.Workspace):
        headerbar = workspace.get_headerbar()

        # Add button to top-center-left
        self.button = Gtk.Button(label='Click', action_name='win.hello', visible=True)

        # Add button to left
        self.button = Gtk.Button(label='Click', action_name='win.hello', visible=True)

        # Add button to right
        self.button = Gtk.Button(label='Click', action_name='win.hello', visible=True)

    def do_unload(self, workspace: Ide.Workspace):
        # remove the button we added
        self.button = None

class MyOmniBarAddin(GObject.Object, Ide.OmniBarAddin):
    Extend the omnibar by adding a button inside the bar.

    def do_load(self, omni_bar: Ide.OmniBar):
        self.button = Gtk.Button(visible=True, label='Hi')
        omni_bar.add_status_icon(self.button, 0)

    def do_unload(self, omni_bar: Ide.OmniBar):
        self.button = None