
by Christian Hergert

Build, Run, and Debug Applications


Builder is open source software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 or newer.

Global Search

Search for files, classes, and functions with lightning fast fuzzy search.

Menu items and custom commands may also be searched to activate!

Code Completion

Robust code completion is provided by Clang as well as many integrated Language Servers!

Integrated Documentation

Builder will install and index documentation automatically using your preferred SDK.

Performance Profiling

Builder can integrate with Sysprof to allow profiling your application even when containers are used.

Use this valuable tool to improve application performance for your users!

So Many Tweaks

Builder allows tweaking many settings per-project or globally. Setup Builder just the way you like it!

Custom keyboard shortcuts let you make Builder your own!

Language Servers Galore!

Many language servers are supported out-of-the-box with Builder.

Adding your own is easy and requires no code. Simply copy one of the existing plug-ins and alter it for your needs.

  • bash-language-server (Bash)
  • blueprint (Blueprint)
  • clangd (C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++)
  • glsl-language-server (GLSL)
  • gopls (Go)
  • intelephense (PHP)
  • jdtls (Java)
  • jedi-language-server (Python)
  • lua-language-server (Lua)
  • serve-d (D)
  • python-lsp-server (Python)
  • rust-analyzer (Rust)
  • ts-language-server (Javascript, Typescript)
  • vala-language-server (Vala)
  • zls (Zig)

All the Build Systems

Every project is unique and so it its build system. That is why Builder was created to be Build System agnostic.

You won't find Builder litering your project with "dot" directories or new files you have never seen before.

  • Meson
  • Autotools
  • CMake
  • Cargo
  • Dub
  • Go
  • Gradle
  • Make
  • Maven
  • NPM
  • PHPize
  • Swift
  • Waf

Found a bug? File it!

If you run into issues, file an issue and we'll take a look!

File an Issue Other Issues

Get involved

Use Builder to contribute your own changes to Builder!

Build Builder! Learn More Download Nightly


Read the documentation to find out more about how Builder works!

User Help API Reference

Developers Notebook

Builder has its very own book that can teach you how it is built!

Read it to level-up your contributions to Builder and beyond.

Read the Book!